Acharya Maha Kali Meditation

Maha Kali Meditation - Feel the Presence of Maha Kali

Maha Kali Meditation is not just simple meditation. It is perhaps the most advanced, effective, and instant meditation devised. In fact, it is a total spiritual path for the real seekers of the truth. Maha Kali Meditation has the immense potential to connect you with Goddess Maha kali.

Once you practice Maha Kali meditation, you will realize the Super Power of Maha Kali. You will realize and experience that Goddess Maha kali is the true Goddess of Time, Creation, Destruction, and Power; You will realize that Maha Kali is the highest power that has created the universe. Maha Kali creates it, protects it, and destroys it. Maha Kali represents all the three divine trinities; she is Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh together.

There is no higher power than Maha Kali.

Once you continuously practice Maha Kali meditation, you will walk on the most powerful path of Maha Kali; you will experience that Maha Kali is the ultimate Goddess of consciousness and bare truth.

Maha Kali Meditation is the most powerful and most effective meditation in the world. There cannot be any easier meditation than this. It is the most instant and successful meditation, this meditation has been used by the Sages since thousands of years. The Sages have got great boons and blessings because of this Maha Kali Meditation. The demons have also got boons because of this Maha Kali Meditation. When you practice this Maha Kali Meditation you will merge with the existence -
all the goodness, the riches, and blessings of the existence shall come to you.

Rishi Munis have gained to utmost spiritual heights and enlightenment by using this mediation. It has been devised and recreated so that the modern man understands and adapts to the times of the Sages.
Maha Kali Meditation brings you into complete awareness, instant meditativeness, trance, and spiritual peace. It readily takes you into the spiritual journey of the within, of devotion, of prayer, and of blessings. There is no doubt that Maha Kali Meditation instantly connects you with the presence of The Ultimate, of The Most Powerful, Supreme Godhead - Maha Kali.

Maha Kali Meditation is the best possible way to connect with the Great Goddess Maha Kali. It is designed to help you feel the presence of the most Powerful Supreme Godhead of Consciousness and Bare Truth – Maha Kali.

Whoever practices Maha Kali Meditation gets immense blessings, great spiritual power, strength, protection, and an abundance of wealth and luxury from Goddess Maha Kali.

This Great Meditation has to be done with the recitation of an immense powerful Maha Mantra. This mantra has to be recited in your heart and not loudly, not even in a whisper. Make sure that your neighbor also does not hear the mantra.
As the stage begins, you will hear the sound of the gong. After the sound, there is a silence gap which has been intentionally kept between the sound of the gong. You will have to recite the Maha Mantra within 7 seconds of this silence gap and then wait for the sound of the gong. After the gong is heard, then again you will have to recite the mantra till the next gong is heard. You will have to continue this for 35 minutes. The first stage is of 35 minutes.

For 35 minutes, you will have to recite the Maha Mantra in your heart. You will have to recite the mantra within 7 seconds which is kept between two gongs.

Gong Sound ….Recite the mantra silently in your heart ….Gong Sound

The Most Powerful Maha Kali Mantra is

Om Shreem Maha Kali Namah

Recite the Maha Mantra Slowly, meaning one word by word; do not be in haste.

Recite in this way:

Om……Shreem………Maha Kali………Namah

Be absolutely slow, recite word by word, and watch each word as you recite. Remain in constant and continuous mediation, remain in watching, chant very slowly.

Once the first stage of 35 minutes is complete, there will be a bigger sound of the gong; this is the start of the second stage. In the second stage which is of 10 minutes, you will have to remain still in complete awareness, just watch your thoughts, remain in meditativeness; do not recite the Maha Mantra is the second stage.

Maha Kali meditation lasts 45 minutes and has two stages; each stage ends with a gong sound. Watching yourself has to be carried out in all the two stages. Keep your eyes closed in all the stages. You can open your eyes when each stage ends and enter into the next stage with your eyes closed.

First Stage

Remain sitting - Watchfully breathe in and out through your nose, keep your mouth closed. Start with slow breathing then consciously move to fast breathing. The better and clearer you will be breath, the better will be your watchfulness. Sit in a relaxed position then begin chanting the Maha Mantra. Chant the Maha Mantra within your heart; do not chant it loudly. Chant within the 7-second gap of silence, wait till you hear the gong then again chant the mantra. Chant the Maha Mantra slowly and not quickly, recite the words one by one as if you are in utmost leisure and peace.

Feel and watch the spiritual rise within you. Watch yourself, remain witness, watch yourself. Remain in total consciousness, and feel the presence of Maha Kali.

Duration of the first stage is 35 minutes.

Second Stage

Remain sitting - remain in the trance and watchfulness come to a complete standstill become completely non-active. Just sit silent. Forget if your back is upright or not. Place your one palm over another - just sit in silence - remain in watching, remain in witnessing – watch your every thought and you will realize your energy will become a vehicle and take you towards total consciousness – remain a witness, remain a witness of your thoughts – just watch all your thoughts.

Duration of the second stage is 10 minutes.

This is no ordinary Maha Mantra so naturally, it will have certain restrictions. Not everyone can chant this Powerful Maha Mantra.
Before you chant this Maha Mantra, you have to follow certain guidelines. These guidelines are a must, in no way you can avoid them or neglect them. If you do, there could be adverse effects; it can do more harm to you than good and the simple reason for this is that this Maha Mantra is of Goddess Maha Kali. When Maha Kali is evoked, then you will have to be very careful. Before you sit to practice Maha Kali Meditation, follow the below.

Do not consume Non-Vegetarian Food

Do not consume alcohol

Take a good bath and sit in a quiet place; the place should be as silent as possible with no disturbance.

Sit in any position of half lotus or full lotus; Those who cannot bend their knees can sit on a chair, you can sit facing any direction, be as comfortable as you can be.

Sit for meditation in a dark place with minimum light.

Light a normal oil lamp and sit to meditate; do not the light lamp of ghee.

Place a picture of Maha Kali in front of you this will help you to come into instant meditation.

Those who have a temple or place of worship at home can sit in front of their God and practice Maha Kali Meditation.

You can light any incense stick but it is better if you can light the traditional dhoop.

Before you begin Maha Kali Meditation you can offer red flowers, preferably hibiscus or red rose to Goddess Maha Kali.

Do not indulge in pomp or decoration.

You can also offer fruits preferably pomegranate and sweets to Goddess Maha Kali.

Maha Kali Meditation is the most effective when done every day at home. The best time to sit for Maha Kali Meditation is after 7 pm till late at night. The most effective time is between 12 pm to 2 am in the morning. Those who like to wake up early can sit for Maha Kali Meditation in the morning between 4 am to 6 am.

The best period to practice Maha Kali Meditation is during the 9 days of the Indian festival, Navratri, which comes before Dassera, which happen 21 days before Diwali, and the day of Diwali, which is the most preferred day. Diwali days and during Amavasya, which is the new moon night and is the first night of the first quarter of the Lunar month.

The practice of Maha Kali Meditation is highly recommended for a pregnant woman.

Eat proper food before you start to chant.

Do not chant this Maha Mantra other than in this meditation; this Maha Mantra can only be chanted other than in meditation only if given to you by a Guru.

Do not chant the Maha Mantra while eating or taking a bath or while in the toilet or in a swimming pool or flowing water or while smoking.

You can wear any type of comfortable clothes.

Do not wear perfumes which has alcohol while you sit in meditation.
You can wear any good non-alcoholic perfume.

Do not offer any kind of sacrifice.

Remain as pure, clean, and burden-free as possible.

There is no need to fast.

Do not wear torn clothes while you chant.

The most ideal place outdoors in open, in the garden, or beachside; there is no need to light a lamp out there.

Sit in an airy room with good ventilation.

Do not pass the Maha Mantra to anyone this Maha Mantra; it is just for you.

Remember, this is the highest form of pooja and worship of Maha Kali; there is no better way to feel the presence of Maha Kali than through Meditation.

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Meditation Center at Goregaon West
Nothing To Consciousness,
A 1-7 Indrayudh Society,
Near Rosary Church,
M G Road, Goregaon West,
Mumbai 400 104.
+91 9819812127 / 9819811193


Meditation Center at Goa
Nothing To Consciousness,
Harmal , Madhlawada,
Arambol, North Goa
Goa 403524